
Understanding what actually constitutes ScienceDiplomacy and how it can best be used differs substantially between foreign ministries and scientists. Thanks Maurizio Bona Cern's Senior Advisor, for your fascinating talk! (view on twitter)

Category: news, science diplomacy

InsSciDE's second Open Conference brings intercultural encounters and academic training in science diplomacy into the spotlight. A highly interdisciplinary group of scholars in the humanities and social sciences is called to analyze science diplomacy as an intercultural encounter, and explore ho...

Category: news

What is Science Diplomacy?   PARTNER/S AND COLLABORATORS: Prof. Maria Rentetzi, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Email: Dr. Rasmus Gjedssø Bertelsen, The Arctic University of Norway, Email: Prof. Alexandros-An...

Category: news, science diplomacy

The 2021 Gordon Cain Conference focuses on the fascinating interplay of science, technology, and international affairs after the Second World War. By doing so, it marks the emergence of diplomatic studies of science as a field at the intersection of science and technology studies, history of science...

Category: gen-news, news

The STGS logo has been designed by Claus Koch, a world renown German designer. This is how he describes his design: ...

Category: gen-news, news