InsSciDE Open Conference – 23-26 November 2021

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InsSciDE’s second Open Conference brings intercultural encounters and academic training in science diplomacy into the spotlight.

A highly interdisciplinary group of scholars in the humanities and social sciences is called to analyze science diplomacy as an intercultural encounter, and explore how this understanding could enrich academic and practitioners’ training in science diplomacy.

Not only national, regional or ethnic cultures but also a diversity of scientific, diplomatic, engineering, business and other compound cultures may come together in science diplomacy settings. To create a rich description and deep analysis, science diplomacy case studies must acknowledge the multiple dynamics of the intercultural encounter, the tacit or overt tensions, the effects and the compromises found. In addition, we propose training in science diplomacy too should acknowledge this encounter, and the educational endeavor may be framed as an exercise in intercultural communication.

A day and a half of study and reflection will focus on both understanding science diplomacy as an intercultural activity and touching the ways in which this understanding can improve learning and action.


The InsSciDE Open Conference is planned as a face-to-face event in Erlangen, Germany, incorporating also some hybrid (online + face-to-face) plenary or parallel sessions. Up to 60 persons are expected: InsSciDE project members, invited experts and keynote speakers, and members of the worldwide InsSciDE and SD community.


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